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Client Newsletter January 2019

Happy New Year!

We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season despite the market volatility.  In keeping with the theme this time of year of setting new year’s resolutions we decided to set one of our own and that is starting this short monthly newsletter.

Here at Ascend Investment Partners we have the best clients and we want to make your experience with us like family.  The newsletter will cover a wide range of topics not just market news but financial planning, money management, estate planning, reading (we love reading), and fun stuff like traveling.

The next newsletter will have reading suggestions, from novels to short articles, about what we are reading and what we like.  It would be great to get your input as well.  Please email us any good books, articles, or stories you read in 2018 and we will add as many as we can to the list.

Touching on market news, we are not worried at this point and are keeping a close eye on the market.   Trade has made everyone nervous, but we expect a good earnings season that will show the soundness of the companies we own.  

Lastly, review your spending from 2018.  Think about which money you spent that made you the happiest.  For some it might be traveling with family.  For others it might be purchasing conveniences like as a massage.  Everyone is different and how you spend your money will be different than how we spend ours, but the point is to be spending your money on what works for you and limit spending money on the unnecessary doldrums.  (For us that is fast food, way too easy to spend too much money without much benefit.) 

Until Next Month!

-Garrett G. Smith
-Paul M. Norman