How Far Can You De-Risk Your Retirement Life?
As we get older, it's natural to want to de-risk our lives. After all, we've spent years working hard, building up our savings, and taking steps to protect ourselves and our families. We buy home, auto, and life insurance to mitigate the risks of financial hardship, and we save for retirement so we can de-risk our ability to make a living.
These are all good things, but it's important to remember that we can only go so far in de-risking our lives. No matter how much we try to control our circumstances, there will always be risks that we cannot mitigate or avoid entirely. This can be difficult to accept, but it's an important lesson to learn as we move through our 50s and beyond.
One of the biggest risks we face as we get older is the risk of failing societies. No matter how much we try to protect ourselves, we cannot control the decisions of governments and other institutions that impact our lives. This can be particularly concerning as we approach retirement, when we are counting on these societies to provide the support and security we need.
Another risk that we cannot fully eliminate is the risk of the random acts of strangers. No matter how much we try to protect ourselves, we cannot control the actions of others, and this can lead to unexpected and potentially harmful situations.
Finally, there is the risk of the weather and other natural disasters. While we can take steps to prepare for these events, we cannot fully eliminate the risk of being impacted by them.
So what can we do? While we cannot eliminate all risk from our lives, there are steps we can take to manage risk and find peace of mind. For example, we can focus on building a strong support network of friends and family, and we can work to cultivate resilience and adaptability in the face of change. We can also seek out activities that bring us joy and meaning, and we can focus on staying physically and mentally healthy.
Ultimately, the key to finding peace of mind in the face of risk is to accept that we cannot control everything, and to focus on the things we can control. By taking steps to manage risk and build resilience, we can find a sense of peace and purpose as we move through our 50s and beyond.
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